View Larger MapGoogle maps just introduced a terrain mode which is a nice way to visualize the regional setting of a map. More importantly, they also just introduced:
1. Collaborative mapping
2. kml file importation capability.
Improvement 1 allows for multiple users to edit a common, online map. The one I have included shows some key photos along the river that are useful in developing the geologic map in the office. Now that a map can be collaboratively shared, any invited mapper can post photos that they think are particularly useful for visualizing geology. In the Owyhee example, I am interested in a set of photos spread out along the entire length of the study reach (and beyond, if appropriate). All it requires is a very short amount of time to become familiar with the interface and a set of photos available somewhere online. I use Picasa Online Albums, but any program should work.
Improvement 2 allows for direct integration of data generated using Google Earth into a collaborative map. It has been possible to export kmls for some time from Google Maps, but importing has been missing. This is a huge leap.
Eventually, I will be inviting all Yeehows to post some photos that they think will help me compile the map. Please try to participate.