Thursday, October 18, 2007

First Draft of Map Units

Label Description
Tbu Undifferentiated basalt flows, Pliocene to Miocene
Tsv Interbedded volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks, Miocene
Tru Undifferentiated rhyolite flows, Miocene
Tro Older rhyolite flows, Miocene
Try Younger rhyolite flows, Miocene
Tsu Undifferentiated sedimentary rocks, Miocene
Trg Fluvial gravel, Pliocene(?)
Tfl Fluvio-lacustrine deposits, Pliocene(?)
QTbu Undifferentiated basalts of Bogus Butte
QTbr Basalts of Bogus Rim, Pleistocene(?) to Pliocene
QTrg Fluvial gravels of Bogus Rim, Pleistocene to Pliocene
QTbb Basalt of Greeley Bar, Pleistocene to Pliocene
Qrgu Undifferentiated fluvial gravel, Pleistocene
QTbg Sub-volcanic fluvial gravel, Pleistocene(?) to Pliocene
Qbg Sub-volcanic fluvial gravel, Pleistocene
Qbu Undifferentiated basalt flows, Pleistocene
Qbc Basalt of Clarks Butte
Qbs Basalt of Saddle Butte
Qbso Older basalt of Saddle Butte
Qbsy Younger basalt of Saddle Butte
Qrgo Older fluvial gravel, Pleistocene
Qflo Older fluvio-lacustrine sediments, Pleistocene
Qbw Basalt of West Crater, Pleistocene
Qrgi Intermediate fluvial gravel, Pleistocene
Qfli Intermediate fluvio-lacustrine sediments, Pleistocene
Qgb Fluvial boulder-gravel, Pleistocene
Qrt Fluvial terrace gravels, Pleistocene
Qry Younger fluvial gravels, Holocene to Pleistocene
Qra Alluvium of the active fluvial system, Holocene
Qlsr Landslide deposits, dominantly rotational
Qlsc Bouldery landslide deposits, dominantly cantilever
Qlsf Landslide deposits, dominantly earthflow
Qls Landslide deposits, undifferentiated
QTf Ancient Alluvial fan deposits, Pleistocene(?) to Pliocene
Qfo Old Alluvial fan deposits, Pleistocene
Qfi Intermediate age alluvial fan deposits, Pleistocene
Qfy Young alluvial fan deposits, Holocene to late Pleistocene
Qc Colluvium, Undivided, Holocene to Pleistocene
Qe Eolian deposits, Holocene to late Pleistocene(?)
Qel Eolian deposits, loess, Pleistocene

Yep, its late, but I had to get this list to the chief cartographer by today in order to get a geodatabase set up as soon as possible. Take a look and provide any comments if any come to mind. The list is somewhat stream of consciousness and may be missing a critical unit or may not reflect your conceptions. Let's work toward a consensus if needed.


  1. Kyle, this looks pretty comprehensive. The only thing that struck me as missing was perhaps the Greely lavas. Don't we think they are a legitimate separate unit, or are they going to get thrown into "undifferentiated"? Also, just to double check, we don't think the AM/PM lavas are a separate unit, right? They are probably some combination of West Crater and maybe Clark's Butte?

  2. You are correct. That unit is missing. Thanks! Look for more.


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